
Our designs are so unique, 100% customizable backgammon.

Why Should You Choose Us

Crafting  Authentic Lebanese backgammon since 1920. We provide custom handmade premium backgammon, combining tradition with modern design.
A backgammon that is all about you to the smallest detail!


Crafting Backgammon for 100+ years.

We Create Custom Designs

What is so special about us? You can place your name on the backgammon and on the checkers (stones) not only that, our special designs will add some touch of magic.  

Arabic Pattern Backgammon

The unique Arabic Pattern backgammon design is made out of walnut and black veneer. Inspired

Dark Square Backgammon

High-quality backgammon made from Walnut, Black Veneer, Olive, and Mahogany. Inspired by the beautiful geometric

Black Backgammon

The first and original Black backgammon, made out of high-quality wood, Walnut & Lebanese Olivewood,

Blue Pearl Black Backgammon

Belonging to the Black family of backgammons, this table is uniquely made out of and

Losange Backgammon

The Losange backgammon is a luxurious design made out of premium wood, Walnut & Lebanese


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